Saturday, December 12, 2009


Readjusting to working full-time has been challenging. This past week seemed both long and short. My workdays were long, but the precious hours before and after them were all too fleeting.

Waking up to my 7:00 alarm is tough. I stumble out of bed, getting ready in a fog. I try to reenact my morning routine from my last full-time job, but I have trouble thinking. What will I wear? I stare into my open closet, waiting for an idea. Behind me, shoes, scarves, jackets, workout clothes, and other articles are strewn about the treehouse. I am only grateful that I can sip my coffee en route to school and into the morning.

The students I help are funny, goofy, typical middle schoolers. They tell me I look nice, cute, and ask if I know Spanish. I respond, "Si, un poquito. Por que?" They blush and tell me, "Nevermind!" The teachers I work with are all different, but all great. Seeing them in action has given me tons of ideas for when I get my own classroom.

After work, there are errands to be run, exercise to be done, food to be cooked and eaten, and sleep. I battle traffic and my own sloth to get to the gym. I opt for easier meals, knowing that the space between dinner and drowsiness has narrowed since I began this job.

All this considered, I cannot imagine if I were just starting out as a "real" teacher. I thank God that I have this transition job, where the likes of lesson planning and paper grading are not required of me! And yes, I know that I will get used to it. ;)

1 comment:

  1. What does it mean when your lose your posting before publishing? Is it a sign to write something else? In that case, I think that you should keep up your exercise and church routine. Dirty clothes and dishes can wait. I didn't know this when I was your age but I do now.
